Friday 13 February 2009

Lunch Break E-mail to Amy

To :

Crossroads sometimes bear destinies,
and my world stood still at a crowded one
like a ship with a confused captain
crippled in the bossom of a troubled sea.
Then I heard your voice; for the first time,
over the telephone, and recognized it.
Don’t ask me how, or where I had heard
music that sweet and uplifting before.
Perhaps it was in another dimension -
in a world now archived
in the secret places of the celestial.
Oh, I must not dwell on prequels
of something as amazing as what we share,
for a sane man does not ask his God
Why have you blessed me?

Future risings and settings of the sun
are hidden from me, as they are from you.
How long shall we be lifted by our laughter
or nourish each other with life and dreams?
I don’t know. I know that you don’t know.
Yet the answer is always there, constant,
mysterious - in the calm chuckle of God
that asks, 'Have I let you down yet?'
No, good Lord, you have not let us down yet.
Ah, how quickly lunch hour flies when
a man reflects on true love and friendship.
I must return to work now, Amy,
be happy, I have reserved you for myself
not just in the current incarnation, but
lifetime after lifetime after lifetime after lifetime…
time will consume time but we shall remain one.

- Nnorom Azuonye
London, 20 September 2007

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